Repair loosely tiles

Repair loosely tiles
Excessive wall tiles often result from substandard construction such as using mortar to replace cement glue during bricklaying, plastering or using the wrong type of glue that creates gaps in the glue. cementing, improperly inserting or bricking without leaving the void. The gaps below the tiles allow the water vapor to accumulate, so that bacteria, mold, or dirt stick to it, causing the glue to slowly build up, leading to the tiles being detonated or damaged. sloughing.
When the tiles on wall is peeling, you should completely remove the broken tiles and the entire adhesive underneath it, do not take the new tile over the old glue is damaged because it will cause the new brick Meet again the problem of water soaked to peeling.
To prevent the tiles on wall from peeling should start from the construction phase. The tiles must be applied properly to spread the cement glue to the surface of the wall tiles, then tiles in rows, to keep the circuit about 2-3 mm according to construction standards for each type. If the tiles size as large as 30x60 cm or more, you should add cement glue evenly over the back of the tile and then stick on the wall. Increasing the amount of glue will increase the strength of the adhesive and help reduce cavities underneath the tiles.
In addition, it is recommended to use cement glue and quality bonding material for better bonding performance.
Source: SCG experience

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